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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

dun dun dun DA.....

Here it is folks, my first ever blog post. This has been a highly anticipated moment in my last few weeks, and honestly a dream of mine for the last few years. It has been surprisingly daunting to figure out this whole new world and I finally am ready to take the plunge!

For my grand opening I did a complete re haul of my most downloaded product on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Here is a quick little before and after shot: 

This product is a set of printable to help set up a classroom "word graveyard". 

This tool grew from sitting across countless students urging, pushing and even praying they would not write another set of sentences that sounded like:

I like school. I like my mom. I like cats. I like candy.

Thus the word graveyard came to be. The words LIKE, NICE, SAID, WALKED, HAPPY, etc.... died in my classroom and we created a new set of alternative words that would now take their place.

Every year I have used this strategy the kids have absolutely loved it. The set includes directions and three different ways to implement this tool in your room. 

You can complete it as a worksheet: 

Or make a mini book

Or use the blank template to to create a set of class posters

I didn't think the re haul was quite enough so I thought we could also celebrate a little Christmas in July and make it Free! 

So please enjoy! Thanks for taking the time to check this out and I hope to see you back soon! 

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